Thursday, October 11, 2007


Check out the new fashions for fall

Tuesday we got Will's real cast put on. I was a little surprised when they told me it had to come up over his knee. I guess babies can flex their feet in just a way that they are able to get out of short casts. Its been a little frustrating, especially for him. This weekend, he was taking 5 or 6 steps on his own and was walking all over the house holding on the furniture, and now he is having to learn a new way of crawling and can't pull himself up to stand. Overall, he is being a trooper, but you can tell he is frustrated with it. Its also a learning experience for Matt and I. Changing a diaper is a dangerous sport now. First, that thing is heavy and hard and when he kicks with it, you better watch out! I have plenty of bruises from when he has kicked me with it. Second, that thing comes all the way up. Not a lot of room for cleaning mistakes. The cast can't get wet, so no baths for Will, only sponge baths. Thats a little sad, he loves bath time. But as I said before, he is a little trooper and his parents are going to have to keep up the him. I thought his shirt was fitting. He is my "little hero".

Poor boy! How long does he have to wear the cast?

I bet the best thing for him would be to stay still but I also bet that is next to impossible. good luck to you and Matt with a baby having pent-up energy and a move to make!

he has to wear the cast for 3 weeks :(
Poooor baby Will!

He's still so stinkin' cute. Watch out for kickin' baby casts! ;)
he just keeps getting cuter - cast and all!!
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