Tuesday, January 31, 2006


That was a sad post

This is Lindsay by the way - Hi everyone- I just read my husbands post (which means that he was at work while writing it.... he he!) He is just in a mood because he had pt this morning where they had to run 6 miles and it was raining as well. I would be in a blah mood too! I am not one for workouts!

I am staining Matt's fish tank stand. A new thing I discovered I like to do. I refinished an old dresser we have and now I am into it. When the stand is done we will post a picture of it. I am very impressed with Matt's carpentry skills.

So, as Matt said, I have been cooking alot since we've been here. I am getting into that as well, which is why I should be into working out too! Speaking of cooking, I am going to go and cook dinner, BBQ pork sandwiches. By the way, has anyone had North Carolina BBQ? Its weird, vinegar based. Give me Memphis style any day!



Losing sleep because you are only dreaming about work is not cool. I left for Christmas break with a ton of stuff on my To Do List and was luckily able to forget about alot of it. Unfortunately I'm almost as worn down now as I was just before vacation. It is a really awesome thing to be given alot of responsibility at a young age but now I see why so many construction managers have perpetual bags under their eyes. That is enough ranting for the time being. (I'm not as quiet like back in the old days and sometimes just splurge out thoughts....learned this from a rough experience back in college.)

On to lighter news! I am nearly finished with my new aquarium stand which I have been building. Lindsay is doing a professional job of staining it and hopefully the polyurethane will start this weekend. Also, Lindsay has become quiet the cook since we moved out to North Carolina. I'm afraid I'll have to step up to running three times a week now just to keep up with the home cooking!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Bring on the pictures!

Here are a few pictures from our adventures across America (begin playing America by Simon and Garfunkel):

This is what I-40 looks like from Texas to Los Angeles if you have never had the displeasure of traveling it.

We stopped off at the Grand Canyon on the way to L.A. We drove in at night and by the morning it had snowed six inches. I highly recommend seeing this place in the winter. The views were better and you don't have to deal with the crowds.

Us at the Canyon. We practically had the place to ourselves since it was snowy.
Welcome to Los Angeles! It sure was nice for all these folks to come out on a saturday afternoon and greet us. Yeah this is light traffic on the 101.

A shot of us on the way to the Seabee Ball. All these fancy balls and social functions are just one more part of the job.

Pink's is a famous hotdog stand just off of Sunset in Los Angeles. Lots of celebs and such go there since it is close to most of the studios. The line wrapped around the building but was well worth the heartburn.

We spent some time down in San Diego on the weekends. Here is Lindsay being stalked by a hippo at the zoo. It was a great zoo and you just can't go to San Diego without stopping in.

While in San Diego, we spent a day at SeaWorld. It was a pretty cool place but a bit more crowded than I care for. Here is Lindsay checking out the Budweiser Clydesdales.

And here I am checking out a subject much more dear to my heart than some silly horses.

Next post we might actually get around to our house here in North Carolina!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So here is a little story update for anyone who doesn't know what Lindsay and I have been upto in the past year: Our adventure started back in September 2004 when I left for Officer Canidate School in Pensacola, FL. I arrived on the 11th and hurricane Ivan rolled into town on the 13th. Yeah, all I have to say about that is I WILL NEVER LIVE IN FLORIDA. EVER. My family came to see me graduate OCS on December 16th. Following a nice Christmas in Little Rock, we drove to Camp Lejeune on orders to visit my first duty station. We spent two weeks out there looking for place to live and getting to know the area. Once our visit time was over, I had to report for training in Port Hueneme, California. Here is a little map that describes our trip:

So yeah it is a bit of a drive. After driving I-40 from tip to tip, we have seen just about everything there is to see on that road.

That is enough blogging at work for now. I'll continue the adventure next post and maybe even throw in some pictures of SoCal.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


In the beginning...

I was inspired to start one of these hooyas after seeing John & Leslie over the Christmas holiday. I took a look at theirs as well as a few others and realized it was a great idea to start one for us. Lindsay and I have moved from one end of the country to the other in the past year. I'll start filling you all in on the details of the journey over the next few posts.

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