Saturday, July 29, 2006


Our birds are stupid

So, I finally got around to hanging our bird feeder outside at the beginning of last week. Guess how many birds have visited........none. They come to our yard, they look around, they chirp up a storm, but do they eat the food I leave out there for them? Nope. I dont think they know what a feeder is. I hope one of them gets curious and gets on the feeder, and after that, I should think we are in business. I hung it in view of our kitchen window, the one the cats love to look out, for their viewing pleasure. I thought that they might have scared the birds away, but the birds are still hanging out in our yard, sometimes even under the window. They just dont get on the feeder. Stupid birds. Oh well, I hope they learn.

no trees = no birds
therefore, our birdfeeders are sitting in the garage
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