Friday, August 04, 2006


New Baby Pics

This morning we went in for our 22 week ultrasound. This is the big ultrasound where they check all the organs and stuff. They made sure that the heart had 4 chambers, the brain and brain stem looked normal, the kidneys/bladder/stomach were working, and that the umbilical cord had the 2 or 3 veins (cant remember which number). Among other things. They all checked out and the baby looks great. He now weighs exactly a pound. I forgot to ask how tall he is. Oh, well. Yes, he still is a boy. We had that confirmed too, woo hoo!! He was a squirmy little thing. He kept moving all around, stretching and trying to "stand" (straighten out his legs). His head was down in my pelvis, so he must have flipped from the last one, where he was sitting cross legged in there. He had a full tummy and bladder. The tech joked that it looked like he had a big breakfast. I said, he must have taken it from me, because I am already hungry again! I dont know when I will get another ultrasound. Since I am a little higher risk because of my ulcerative colitis, they might want to do a growth scan in a couple of weeks to make sure my body isnt taking away his nutrients. But since he is perfect weigh and growing great, they are not to worried. Of course I dont want anything bad to happen, but I wouldnt mind seeing my little guy in a few weeks again. Well I better go. I have a few things that need to be done before we leave tonight. See ya'll soon!
This is a side profile. He is a little turn away, so it isnt very clear. The small white circle above the chest is his hand. It is curled in a little fist. The black circle in the middle of the belly is his full stomach.

This is another view of the profile. If you look closely, you can see tiny ribs. The stuff above the belly is the umbilical cord.

he looks like a real baby now! how exciting. congrats again you guys.
so exciting and wonderful!!!

wish we were going to be in the rock to see you guys. Have a safe trip.
He looks like you guys! Ha, ha. So exciting!! Can't wait to see you soon!
How wonderful to get such a good report and I am glad he is still a boy! There are such cute little razorback things for little boys.
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