Sunday, September 17, 2006


Saturday Night at Labor and Delivery

Wasn't exactly where I was planning on spending my Saturday evening, but I guess the saying is true, life happens when you make other plans. All day Saturday I wasn't feeling the best. I had been having contractions on and off all day and was just really nauseous. Around 3 in the afternoon I started contracting more, around 4 an hour (plus smaller" cramps" in between). I looked in my pregnancy books and they said that this is when you should put your feet up and drink more water. If this doesnt work, call the doctor. I did what it said and the next hour I still had 4 major ones plus the smaller cramps were getting stronger. So I called the labor and delivery nurse and she told me to put my feet up and drink a half gallon of water. Of course, I told her I was doing this, but she told me to drink the half gallon over the next 2 hours and if I get more than 5 contractions call back. Guess what happened. I got 5 and 6 contractions over the next 2 hours. I called and they told me to come in. This was around 7pm.

So we go to L&D and I get hooked up to all the moniters. My contractions were showing on the moniter, but they were small. The doc came in to check and she was feeling my belly and told me that the contractions felt stronger than they were showing, so she moved the moniter just a tad and boom! Conraction .... contraction......contraction. Perfectly spaced and pretty strong. At this time we had been there for around 2 hours. The doc did a series of exams and test and nothing was coming back wrong, but I was still contracting regularly. They decided to hook me up to a IV and get some fluids in to me. They told me that being dehydrated may be the cause. Did they not just make me drink a half gallon of water on top of the ~8 glasses of water I had already drank that day! So they pump 2 bags of fluid into me and an hour later... still contracting. At this point we had been there for a little over 4 hours. They decided to give me a shot of something (wasnt really paying attention to the name, something medical sounding- all I heard was shot = stop contractions). They give me the shot in the back of the arm, ouch! Within a few minutes, no contractions. Woo-hoo! But the side effects were the shakes. Didn't tell me about that one. I started shaking unconrollably. Teeth rattling, the whole 9 yards. Matt had to hold me up to get me dressed and walk me out of the hospital, because my legs were shaking so bad. It lasted for a few hours.

So after they stopped, they let me go home. It was after midnight, almost 1am. We had been at the hospital for around 5 hours. This morning, I am not contracting, but I feel like I have been hit by a mack truck. I guess a total of 8 (or more counting the ones during the earlier day) hours of contracting, emotional junk, and the shakes really take a toll on the body. I am just laying low, keeping the feet up today. They have no idea what caused this, they think it was just a freak thing. I just have to watch myself and take it easy. I hope that is the last contraction I feel until December :) Sorry this post was so long, it was a very busy (and scary) night, as you can see. I am glad that its over.

Oh my goodness! Glad that they stopped and everything is ok. Take it easy, mama!
Oh my gosh. That sounds like it was scary. Very strange. Glad you are ok.
Didn't anyone tell you that you'll still be considered a hero if you only go through labor once? :) No really, I was glad to hear you and baby are safe and home again. Nate and I had a pretty crazy Saturday night also thanks to some nasty weather. Give me a call when you get the results of your tests back from the hospital.
how scary to go through contractions/IV/shot/shakes with 3 months to go to do it all over again. Definately keep those feet up! We wish you smooth sailing til december
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