Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Doctor, Doctor, give me the news

I went to the doctor yesterday for my 33 week check up. Things are going great. The baby's heartrate was good and I am measuring normal. I do have a growth scan (ultrasound) next Wednesday just to make sure of his size. The doctor felt him through my abdomen and said he felt like the baby was a normal size. As long as he is within normal range I wont have to be induced. We'll see :) The doctor did look over my blood sugar results and there were a few numbers after I had eaten that were not where they were suppose to be, even though I had eaten the same thing before and had gotten a good result. He didnt think it was enough to put me on insulin (my morning readings were great - which is what they really look at the most), so he put me on an oral medication that should lower my sugars. I see him in 2 weeks again, so I guess we will see how its going then.

Matt and I have our first lamaze class this evening. Should be interesting. Dont really know what to expect. Its from 6 - 8:30pm for the next 5 Wednesdays. I guess they have a lot of info to give us! The more info, the better!

We ordered the glider and the dresser for the nursery this week. We should be getting those soon. I am super excited! Then I can start putting things away, instead of in a pile in the middle of the room. After we get them, I will post pics. Stay tuned, it may be a week or 2.

Heee heeee heee heeee hoooooo!
(See? It's my lamaze breathing!)
lamaze. that is a funny word.

and crazy! we're so excited your you guys.... into the home stretch!
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