Monday, November 06, 2006


Tent Sale!

This weekend was alot of fun. Matt and I spent Saturday running around together. We went to the annual tent sale at the exchange on base. It was BIG! The tents took up most of the parking lot and had everything in them. They had all the electronics you can think of, furniture, kitchen stuff, appliances, etc. We actually bought a deep freezer. We had been talking about getting one for awhile now and it was a great deal, so we went for it! I just want to go to Sams and stock up. I am planning on getting some quick, easy dinners to put in there for after the baby comes, or even make a few things ahead of time and freezing them. I know I am not going to want to cook for awhile! Then we went on a date to a Mexican restuarant for dinner. It was yummy! Not as good as the Mexican food in Arkansas, but pretty close.

This week is going to be pretty busy. We have a breastfeeding class tomorrow morning. I am hoping to learn as much as I can, I have heard, from many, that it can be pretty difficult, but everyone in unique, so who knows. I also just got a call this morning from Labor and Delivery that my doctor wants me to have a weekly non-stress test. That is where I go in and they hook me up to moniters for about an hour to make sure baby is still doing well. With gestational diabetes, the placenta has a tendancy of not working as well, or even not working at all, at the end of your pregnancy. With a normal pregnancy, they will let you go up to 42 weeks without worring about it, but with GD, they start watching it around 35 weeks. I dont mind, I get to go in every Wednesday, starting this week, and lay around for an hour and listen to my baby's hearbeat. Sounds rough, huh? That night we have lamaze. Its going well. Matt made it through the birth videos like a champ and I pretty much get a back massage every week when we learn relaxation techniques. Friday is the Marine birthday ball. Its a formal affair and is pretty much like prom, yet with older people. I was planning on going, but I am having a hard time spending over $150 (that was the cheapest and not very cute) on a formal maternity dress I will probably never wear again, and thats on top of the $60 a ticket. Between Christmas and having a baby, the next couple of months are going to be expensive. Plus I dont know if I can last all night in heels, its hard enough when you're not pregnant! So we will see. I think that is all that is going on, I am probably forgetting something, but oh well.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Tell Matt not to worry, experienced breastfeeding fathers such as my self know that its pretty easy for us to pick up the routine. Basically when you've changed, burbed and comforted the baby you give it to its mother. That's all he really has to know about breastfeeding. Oh, and not to gawk or get overly jealous, you'll just think its 'weird'.
Oh, I couldn't let this slide, you mentioned titled a post "Tent Sale" when talking about buying a maternity ball gown. That's funny. Kathy couldn't find a maternity dress last year in Italy. All of the pregnant wives here basically hide once they begin to really show.
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