Saturday, May 26, 2007


I think I left the happy side of Will in Little Rock!

We just got back from spending a week in Little Rock. We had the best time! Will traveled great. He slept on the plane both ways. It was hilarious; as soon as we took off, out he went. He also loved meeting all of the family. Needless to say, he was completely spoiled (see above photo - he was having the time of his life!) His favorite thing is to be carried around and with all those grandparents, aunts, and uncles, that was all that happened. I completely encouraged it; its not like he gets that chance very often. The reality of playing on the floor when he got home was not taken very well, but we are starting to accept the inevitable. The last few days of the trip, Will started to get a little fussy, not horrible, but not very happy. We thought he was just getting homesick. Not the case. On the plane ride home, he started to chew on my finger. After a few seconds I noticed a sharp little tooth sticking out! Poor little guy! He just wasn't feeling the best. I was pretty proud of how well he was doing considering teething, traveling, and all the new people and places. Once we got home, I noticed a second bump on the bottom. I guess 2 teeth are a little too much to handle.

Sorry we missed you while you were in the Rock! :( Next time, for sure! Rest assured, Mama Koss showed me all the pictures (or about 100 out of the 50000!), and they are FANTASTIC. That Koss clan=good stuff. Love all you guys. Miss you!
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