Sunday, August 12, 2007


The mystery of glass....

Will was determined to get through it. He just kept walking in place. It was quite cute! This photo is a little deceiving, he isn't quite walking by himself yet. He will stand and walk a little when he is holding on to something, or he will walk when holding on to just one of my hands (he use to have to have both). Its slower when he has just one hand, but he can move when he has both.

As you can see, Lola isn't too concerned with him. Both the cats are getting a kick out of him now, as long as they are not within reach. They love to watch, from a higher perch, him crawling around. Will loves to play with their toys and it drives them crazy. They keep waiting for him to throw their toys, but he is oblivious to them. I have been trying to teach him to pet them GENTLY, and we have been having some hits and misses. The cats have been a lot more patient with him than I thought they would be. Its been a lot of fun seeing their relationship grow.

If that's a sliding door, just wait until he tries the same thing when it's open or there's just a screen there. It comes as quite a confusing shock! (but also amusing)
That's a reallllly cute picture. ;) He's growing up so fast! Tell him to stop until Aunt Elizabeth meets him. Hee hee.
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