Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Reach for the.......Fish?

This week, Will has learned to pull himself up on everything! He started by pulling himself up on the ottoman, and it has progressed from there. Very quickly! It took him only once to master this new skill. Now, he tries to pull himself up on whatever is handy, myself included. Its really bad if I am sitting on the floor. He uses me as a ladder. He uses my legs to stand up and then steps up onto my lap and tries to climb up the front of me. He is a little monster truck. Just climb over it or through it. Nothing stops the kid. Once he is up, he uses whatever he is holding onto to walk around. I think he doesn't know he can't walk yet, because he often lets go and tries to keep walking, only to fall flat. Its quite fun to see him progress so quickly. He can slow down now, so that his mother can learn to keep up.

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